0002 - DAO Membership

1. Meta Data

Original Author(s): Oliver Zerhusen (ozerhusen@gmail.com), Esther Woo (ewoo0886@gmail.com.com)

Creation Date: 08/06/2022

Stage: Candidate

Live Date:

Last Version:

Last Version Date:

Last Version Author(s): Oliver Zerhusen (ozerhusen@gmail.com), Esther Woo (ewoo0886@gmail.com.com)

Organization: DAO

Tag(s): DAOHaus, Discord, Forum

Version History:

2. Summary

The Charter describes that Graph AdvocatesDAO (DAO) membership is obtained via the path of the Graph Advocates Program and this GOC provides its implementation details. It includes guidelines of how Graph Advocates (Advocates) achieve DAO membership eligibility recognition, the application process towards gaining DAO membership as well as voting procedures.

This GOC also provides guidelines on the engagement by DAO members within the DAO and criteria to retain DAO membership.

3. Motivation

The essential elements of DAO membership are described in the Charter. The Charter does not include some necessary details of the structure and process for joining and exiting the DAO. This GOC also introduces important off-chain success criteria describing how to successfully retain DAO membership as well as the values the DAO aspires its members to pursue. Therefore, this GOC complements the Charter with deeper information that enables DAO members to obtain guidance and alignment on these topics.

4. Specification

4.1. Qualifications

DAO membership shall be based on an ongoing commitment DAO's mission that is described in the Charter as follows:

“The mission of the Graph AdvocatesDAO is to drive greater participation in building a decentralized web3 and grow The Graph ecosystem by supporting community-based initiatives and through contributions of Graph Advocates.”

There are numerous ways through which DAO members can demonstrate commitment to the DAO’s mission. These outcomes can be observed as:

  • Contributions made in the DAO and committees

  • Contributions made as Graph Advocates

  • Participation in DAO governance discussions & voting

  • Reputation gained in The Graph community

  • Reputation gained in web3 ecosystem

The above outcomes show that DAO members are not required to make direct contributions to the DAO on an ongoing basis, but rather to demonstrate such commitment to The Graph and web3 ecosystem more broadly.

4.2. Membership Rights

4.2.1. Equality

The DAO does not have an established hierarchy and all DAO members have equal rights. That extends to the ability to participate in DAO discussions, making proposals and voting on governance decisions. Notwithstanding, the DAO does have organizational structures. It is the responsibility of every DAO member to familiarize themselves with established structures, processes and guidelines in order to collaborate in alignment with other DAO members. Every DAO member should therefore gain an understanding of how to engage in the DAO in accordance with established procedures.

4.2.2. On-Chain Voting

The most critical DAO decisions are formally processed through on-chain proposals in DAOHaus. Every new DAO member starts with one (1) voting share, except for The Graph Council account which has zero voting shares. Over time, DAO members can increase their voting power to a maximum of 3 voting shares based on the following guidelines:

  • 1 Share: new member joining the Graph AdvocatesDAO

  • 2 Shares: DAO member successfully achieves Advocates program requirements and has a consistent, net positive presence in the Graph community

  • 3 Shares: same as 2 plus: DAO member demonstrates community leadership who brings members together, introduces ideas that gain broad consensus and contributes significantly to the success of the Graph AdvocatesDAO

DAO members can only apply for one additional share per quarter, up to a maximum of 3 shares via Request Shares for Work Completed Proposals.

4.2.3. Off-Chain Voting

The DAO performs various forms of off-chain voting, generally in the Forum or on Discord. DAO members are strongly encouraged to participate, though sometimes guidelines may apply for certain off-chain votes to be specific for individual committees.

4.2.4. DAO Committee Eligibility

All DAO members are generally eligible to join DAO committees per established procedures outlined in GOC-0003.

4.3. Membership Path

Being an Advocate accepted by the DAO is the baseline criteria for becoming a DAO member. Advocates shall also have demonstrated their skills in making positive contributions as part of their selected Advocate role(s).

The DAO is overseeing The Graph’s community grant and Graph Advocates programs which requires continuous proactive engagement by DAO members to implement these programs successfully. The DAO is therefore aiming to accept new members who show active engagement as Advocates demonstrating the potential to bring valuable input to the DAO. Beyond the core contributions across the six Advocate roles, Advocates can promote themselves for DAO membership showing efforts in the following areas:

  • Engaging actively in public DAO meetings

  • Proposing ideas to improve DAO structures and processes

  • Supporting other Advocates with their contributions

  • Participating in DAO governance discussions and proposals

  • Providing feedback to community grant proposals

  • Promoting the DAO in The Graph and web3 ecosystem

Active Advocates with continuous engagement in the above activities can showcase their value as potential DAO members. A critical part of the process is developing a positive reputation along the way, which is created through net positive interactions with other community members.

4.4. Candidacy

4.4.1. Building Relationships

DAO members are encouraged to continuously monitor Advocate activities with regards to DAO engagements described in the previous section in an effort to identify potential future DAO members. They are also encouraged to establish relationships with Advocates to help mentor them on DAO related matters. Advocates themselves are equally encouraged to proactively establish relationships with DAO members if their goal is to create a successful candidacy to become DAO member.

4.4.2. Nomination

A successful candidacy to the DAO can be established via nomination by a DAO member in the Forum. The nomination should include the name (or pseudonym used in the community), discord handle (unique identifier) as well as a rationale for the nomination. It is recommended for the DAO member to obtain upfront confirmation if the Advocate accepts the nomination, which the Advocate should subsequently confirm as a response in the Forum thread.

4.4.3. Voting

The Forum nomination is an opportunity for DAO and other community members to reflect on the candidate and share their own thoughts. Following a recommended period of one week, an on-chain membership proposal may subsequently be created in DAOHaus, which represents the official vote to become a DAO member. The proposal should be made for one (1) voting share and include the link to the Forum thread, so that voting DAO members can inform their decision by the community feedback.

The nomination and voting period provides ample time for DAO members to reach out to the nominee directly to conduct an interview or ask specific questions relevant to the DAO membership, in an effort to perform due diligence on their voting decision. A DAO membership nomination is formally accepted when the on-chain DAOHaus membership proposal has been approved and subsequently executed by the DAO.

4.4.4. Onboarding

The Ops Committee in the DAO shall establish and maintain a current process for onboarding new DAO members. An onboarding guide and checklist may support this process to ensure consistency of onboarding new members. The DAO has a wealth of opportunities to engage and numerous established processes and guidelines. It is therefore important that new DAO members get properly onboarded to gain an understanding of the opportunities and procedural frameworks.

4.5. DAO Exit

4.5.1. Voluntary

Any existing DAO member is free to leave the DAO at any time using the RageQuit function in DAOHaus. The exit from DAOHaus signals official departure from the DAO and such a member should subsequently be removed from access and permissions to all DAO systems and platforms granted to active DAO members.

4.5.2. Involuntary

The DAO is a decentralized organization that promotes respectful and ethical interaction in the community, and DAO members shall be role models of such behavior. Any DAO member in breach of these principles may be subject to removal from the DAO by another DAO member who can initiate an on-chain Guild Kick proposal on DAOHaus for infractions such as:

  • Violations to the Code of Conduct

  • Repeated attempts to abuse the Graph AdvocatesDAO to maximize personal gain instead of in the best interest of the DAO

Furthermore, the DAO focuses on the growth and promotion of The Graph and web3 ecosystem. DAO members should therefore have a fundamental commitment to contribute to these goals, inside and outside of the DAO. If a DAO member fails to demonstrate that commitment on an ongoing basis, then it brings into question the value such a member can contribute to the DAO. Any DAO member may issue a Guild Kick proposal of another DAO member who may no longer be sufficiently mission-aligned. There is no clear-cut measurement system to draw such a conclusion definitively, but the bullet points listed in the Mission-Alignment paragraph can provide a framework for assessment. The weaker a DAO member is being observed on those criteria, the stronger a case for a potential DAO removal. The DAO removal process is a necessary element to ensure the DAO retains a membership base that is highly aligned with the DAO’s mission.

It is recommended that the DAO removal process begins with a Forum post by a DAO member introducing the proposal explaining context and justification. Discussions should be held respectfully with a focus on facts. Subjective opinions as well as judgemental character assessments should be minimized. The process should not be utilized as a retaliatory tool or as means to resolve personal conflicts amongst DAO members.

5. References

5.1. Relevant GOCs

5.2. Attachments

Last updated